Children's Cancer Foundation Over 30 years of caring service
Children's Palliative Care Foundation
Children's Palliative Care Foundation

About Us

About Us


Ms Terry Lai

Time really flies.  Before you know it, the Children’s Cancer Foundation has celebrated its 30th anniversary.  In the beginning, it was just a little-known organisation which had to strive very hard to raise funds.  Today, it is a highly recognised charity in society which enjoys the strong support of the community.  Its achievements in the last three decades have become highly visible and it has endeavoured, with a spirit of caring, to support those in need.

Looking back to when I first joined the organising committee of the Foundation, I had a single mission in mind, namely, “love your child, love all children”.  It all started when my best friend’s young son was stricken with cancer.  I felt deeply about the helplessness of sick children.  And when I heard about the Foundation’s fund-raising plan for child cancer patients, I had a strong urge to respond.  Thus I made a bold suggestion to my like-minded friends that social workers should be recruited to enhance the psychological well-being and quality of life for these young patients and their families.  Not only did I receive the fullest support of my friends, but we also laid the cornerstone for the Foundation.

As one of the five Founder Governors, I find it most gratifying and heartening that the Foundation has completed over thirty years of innovation and development.  I am also more than thankful for the very dear and supportive friends that I have made throughout these years.  I could scarcely have imagined that in return for the little I have given, I would have been rewarded so many times over.  I firmly believe that it is only when we support our fellow beings that a harmonious society can be built.  Let me take this opportunity to wish with all my heart that the Children’s Cancer Foundation will continue to take good care of all young cancer patients and help them to rebuild their lives in the days to come.

Terry Lai
Founder Vice-chairman